Salmonella enterica nucleic acid reference (Heat inactivated) (Strongly positive)|BNCC361552 |BNCC

BeNa Culture Collection

Salmonella enterica nucleic acid reference (Heat inactivated) (Strongly positive)-BNCC
  • Salmonella enterica nucleic acid reference (Heat inactivated) (Strongly positive)-BNCC
  • Salmonella enterica nucleic acid reference (Heat inactivated) (Strongly positive)-BNCC

Salmonella enterica nucleic acid reference (Heat inactivated) (Strongly positive)

  • Price: $3143
  • number:BNCC361552
  • Packing:Frozen storage tube; Concentration ≥ 10 ^ 8CFU/mL;6 tubes/box
Essential Information Related Products
Salmonella enterica nucleic acid reference (Heat inactivated) (Strongly positive)
Culture medium Tryptone soybean medium (English name: TSA/TSB): tryptone 17.0g, soybean peptone 3.0g, sodium chloride 5.0g, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 2.5g, glucose 2.5g, agar 20.0g (without liquid medium), distilled water 1.0L,pH 7.3±0.2. Sterilization at 121 ℃ for 15min.
Subculture procedure Pick a single colony and add bacteria in a liquid triangular flask, then take 25mL of bacteria liquid and centrifuge to collect bacteria (centrifuge speed 8000r /min,30s), resuspend with 10mLPBS, and collect bacteria suspension for later use. The concentration of bacterial suspension is about 109CFU/mL, diluted to 10-6, 10-7, 10-8 gradient, take 200 μL coating count, select the colony number between 30 CFU to 300 CFU plate count;
Growth conditions Culture temperature 37 ℃;18-24 hours; Aerobic gas environment;
Storage conditions -80 ℃
Safety level 0
application Accurate and rapid identification of pathogenic bacteria can effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of clinical treatment. This product is a strong positive reference for heat inactivation for the evaluation of Salmonella enteritidis nucleic acid test for early diagnosis and quality control of infection.
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